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Clarifications from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for business entities operating in the market of medical products on the application of the requirements of certain items of the Technical Regulation on medical products

Home page    News   Clarifications from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for business entities operating in the market of medical products on the application of the requirements of certain items of the Technical Regulation on medical products

Government service of Ukraine from medicinal facilities and control after drugs is get a letter from Ministry of health Ukraine (from  10.01.2018 № 18.3-04/19/1855-17677), as to the organ of the technical adjusting in the sphere of medical wares, in relation to the grant of elucidation of application of point of a 21 resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 02.10.2013 № 753 "About claim of Technical regulation in relation to medical wares".

Also, in a letter it is marked on the necessity of pointing of menage the reliable data inflicted by a producer on the label of medical wares at marking of products subjects, and on the necessity of presentation by them to Держлікслужби of reliable data for bringing to "Register of persons of accountable for introduction medical wares, active medical wares that implant, and medical wares, for diagnostics of in vitro in turnover".

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